
Meteorological Service

Dan Hart Speak to the Chief
Meteorologist Dan Hart and
his team!
A Flowering Industry

A Flowering Industry

Flowers may well be some of the most poetic and romanticized of plants, attracting artists throughout human history to capture their inane beauty and variety. However, today they are also among the most traded and financially viable of agricu...

The Travel of Spring

The Travel of Spring

The arrival of Spring, seen by many around the world as a time for hope, spans many areas of our lives. From weather and farming, to planning holidays, and starting those New Year plans and ideas, spring is a global phenomenon that ...

The Internet of Energy

The Internet of Energy

The Internet of Energy (IoE) seamlessly connects power generators, distributors, and consumers through a digital network. This network collects data from smart meters, sensors, and connected devices to optimize energy use. In our latest blog ...

The Future of Rice

The Future of Rice

Over half of the world’s population consumes rice. It is the staple food for an estimated three billion people, with some strains found to date back 10,000 years. The intense nature of its cultivation is putting increasing pressure on natural...

The Price of Liquid Sunshine

The Price of Liquid Sunshine

George Bernard Shaw once described Whisky as ‘Liquid Sunshine’, an opinion that few aficionados of the golden liquid would disagree with.

Fire Weather

Fire Weather

From California to Siberia, forest fires are becoming more common and widespread. The carbon spiral - where CO2 is released from global warming induced events, contributing further to the greenhouse effect that contributed to the fires starti...

Farming the Sun

Farming the Sun

The old phrase “make hay while the sun shines” may take on a new meaning with the increased use of agricultural land for solar farming. In our previous article, we discussed the new initiatives that the UK government announced as part of ...

The Future of Forestry

The Future of Forestry

Globally, about 300 million hectares of plantation forests, and 900 million hectares of natural forests are used for wood production. Combined, they supply nearly two billion cubic meters of industrial wood (for example, for construction, pap...

How farming is innovating for the future

How farming is innovating for the future

Farming is constantly changing, adapting and creating new opportunities. Farmers from around the world and adopting new technologies to create a sustainable industry tuned for today’s climate and weather

Climate Change - Are there causes for optimism?

Climate Change - Are there causes for optimism?

As we have described in previous articles, the challenges posed by climate change are immense. The rising global temperatu...

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