Weather data
Let us show you why.
OpenWeather provides weather data for any location on the globe using a proprietary ML-powerd hyperlocal forecasting model with resolution from 500 m to 2 km, globally. While we started as an ethical, non-profit project run by a team of people passionate in making high-quality climate insights more open to the world, these days we focus on complex, enterprise-grade commercial projects.
Equipped with state-of-the-art meteorological technologies, our platform will effectively address your data requirement. Be it our OpenWeather Model or high-load technologies, we heavily invest in our proprietary technologies.
The products we have created cover the whole spectrum of weather data for 46+ years historical archive up to long-term climate predictions. Our products are well-known to the weather market, having been polished by valuable feedback from our customers and community. Although most of the products we offer come in a ready-to-use form, we also regularly build custom meteorological solutions tailored to the needs of specific projects.
Having served 6 mln customers, OpenWeather products can be found everywhere. See the 14k+ repositories on GitHub.
We offer high-quality, hyperlocal data, considering the nuance of local climate.
Our products are reasonably priced and often can be used straightaway, with miniscule integration costs.
Future proof
We value mutual trust and commitments. When you start an enterprise-level project with us, the tools you use will be supported until throughout the whole lifecycle. If needed, scaling your use the whole lifecycle of your account with us. If needed, you can also scale your usage quickly.
Our products collections

Active road trips can be monitored for potentially adverse weather conditions ahead via Road Risk API. The same tool allows the analysis of past journeys, to review the weather conditions the vehicle has been exposed to. Our beautiful multi-layer maps allow for more intuitive, visual perception of weather and can be placed within on-board dashboards or navigations apps.

Insurance claims can be verified by employing historical data at the time of insurance event. Currently insured objects (e.g properties) can be monitored and risk managed via OpenWeather`s current weather, forecasts and weather alert services.

Get historical, current and forecast data on solar and wind patterns. Our Renewable Energy collection for Solar and Wind Energy help you to predict energy generation levels or identify and fix issues with current solar panels and wind turbines.

Launch a weather-sensitivity analysis project by analysing how historical weather conditions affected various metrics of your business - number of customers, volume of sales or inventory. Predict demand, with up-to-minute granularity, by relying on our forecasts.

Fast and convenient monitoring of current weather and damaging weather conditions (frost, thunderstorm, etc. etc.) at fields, allowing farmers to minimize risks of loss and creating more efficient farming practics.

We empower advertisers with hyperlocal weather data, enabling campaign relevance through tailored ads that reach the right audience at the right time. With comprehensive historical data, real-time insights, and precise forecasting, advertisers can align campaigns to current conditions, ensuring maximum impact and audience engagement.

We support the health industry with robust weather insights, enabling proactive planning for patient visits, medication demand, seasonal health risks, and more. With an extensive range of climate data and tailored analytics industry participants can effectively manage weather-related impacts, enhance operational efficiency, and deliver relevant health campaigns.

Rely on OpenWeather’s alerts, forecasts, and historical analyses to anticipate hazardous conditions and respond swiftly. Whether it’s flooding, heatwaves, or wildfires, our data-driven insights help protect vulnerable communities, guide critical rescue missions, and support informed decision-making at every stage of an emergency response.
OpenWeather offers universal and industry-specific weather data tools that have been created and polished with feedback from our clients in mind. Alternatively, we are happy to discuss customisations and complex implementations.
This can be anything from adding a new parameter or slightly changing the
format of
data up to building a completely new custom API or integrating with your system.
We are open to discussion.
Most likely, we have already helped with a project like yours.
Shall we speak?