The OpenWeather team announces Weather Maps 2.0!

Posted on 29 Oct 2018
The OpenWeather team announces Weather Maps 2.0, where you can now work not only with current weather layers but also with historical and forecast maps! On top of that, we have added a bunch of new weather layers, including amazing wind speed and wind direction layers and many others.
The most remarkable thing about this new version is its simplicity. Using only one API call (URL), you can get a forecast map (for 10 days with a three-hour step), a historical map (any date from February 2018) and a current weather map.
It is really simple, as you change only one parameter in the API call that defines the map’s type. With the same API call (URL), you can set up any of the 15 available weather layers, which include air temperature and atmospheric pressure, along with precipitation, soil temperature on different depth, a combined display of wind speed and wind direction, and many other useful maps. For each layer, we have custom palettes, but you can use your own palette and include it in the API call.
You can use our URL in all conventional libraries that work with tile layers. Using the Leaflet and OpenLayers libraries, with our Weather Maps 2.0 you can even build interactive maps and embed them into your application. There is more information about this here.
Weather Maps 2.0 is available for Developer, Professional and Enterprise subscribers (see more details in the price list). Weather Maps 1.0 is available to any subscribers, including those with a Free account.
Read more in the API documentation.