The OpenWeather team announces Relief Maps!

Posted on 29 Nov 2018
Today we are glad to present to you a new product from OpenWeather – Relief Maps! This product allows you to get relief maps from around the world. Set the position of the sun in parameters and you will receive precise illumination of the Earth’s surface and its relief for the conditions you have set.
You can use Relief Maps as a base layer in your maps. You can also use it with our weather map layers.
This product is a combination of a layer tint (coloured raster) and a hillshade. For the layer tint, you can use our custom palette. We have also made it possible for you to pass your own colour palette in the URL. To use this product with other map layers, you may need to use the “opacity” parameter, which will allow you to manage the transparency of this layer. The full list of parameters is here.
You can find examples of setting optional parameters for Relief Maps here.
To get Relief Maps, you just need to use one URL format and your personal API key. You need to insert the generated URL into special plugins – for example, Leaflet or OpenLayers. You can also use any other apps that support the display of layers. You can find more information about this here.