Get your national weather alerts with One Call API

Posted on 28 Sep 2020
One Call API is a collection of essential meteorological data which is now enriched with national weather alerts. Make a request through One Call API and receive all your weather data in one piece, with a freemium subscription.
Weather alerts for any location
National weather alerts make it a nice addition to our One Call API, without overloading you with details. We give you all the parameters needed to obtain a general idea of the weather warning: description, time and the sender's name, on condition that the alert was issued in English. The multilingual support for this API is coming soon.
Alerts on One Call API are easy
We have nested the alerts data into Current and Forecast weather segment of our One Call API. It returns you the “description”, “sender_name”, “event”, “start” and “end” time in UTC format. You obtain them by default, and can always turn them off, by using &exclude=alerts in the API call.
One Call API gives you a set of data for an hour ahead with a 1 minute-step, along with hourly and daily forecasts for the week. The One Call API will also tell you the current weather outside, and how it changed through the last 5 days.
Want to know more about weather alerts?
If bad weather is something that doesn’t let you sleep at night, we invite you to check our Global Weather Alerts service. A brand new API, that pushes all the live data on alerts to an endpoint of your choice. It brings to the table everything you want to know about the extreme weather conditions.