History Bulk and History Forecast Bulk: choosing any location on the map

Posted on 23 Dec 2019
There is a new update available for our historical data service.
This time, we have significantly simplified the way you can purchase our historical data via History Bulk and History Forecast Bulk. In particular, we have added a few new ways to specify the locations you are interested in.
There are several ways to do this:
- Map search: find your location on the map and simply click on it.
- Location name search: use the location search panel on the map and enter the location name on the “By city name” tab.
- Search by any coordinates: use the location search panel on the map and enter the coordinates on the “By coordinates” tab.
After you have specified the place you are interested in, you will see a pin on the map that confirms your location. Please press on the “Add location” button to add it to your order.
More detailed information on how to specify your locations can be found on each product’s page (in “How to get data” section)
When ordering data for an extensive number of locations, we recommend to contact us directly at info@openweathermap.org. Our experts will process your list of locations and export the requested data for you.