History Bulk update! Create your own customised set of weather parameters and units

Posted on 06 Dec 2019
OpenWeather team is pleased to announce some exciting news for our History Bulk users!
Recently, we have made the export of historical data a bit more flexible and convenient for you.
Now, the History Bulk purchase form also has set of selectable weather parameters, formats and units that you can choose in accordance with your own data needs.
As usual, the purchase form for History Bulks can be found here.
Alternatively, you can open the "Store" section in the personal account and click on the "New History Bulk" button to access it. If you do not have an account with us yet, please do create one to make a purchase. For a detailed description of how to order historical data, please refer to the documentation.
Another great update - the available depth of historical archive has also been increased from 7 to 19 years. Data are now available from January 01, 2000 up to the current date. This only applies to History Bulks purchased from the website.
If you plan to order historical data for an extensive number of locations, we recommend to contact us directly at info@openweathermap.org. Our experts will process your list of locations and export the necessary data for you from our archive up to 40 years old.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to drop us an email and we will be glad to assist.