Historical Weather Data by State for all ZIP codes, USA

Posted on 03 Jun 2020
We are happy to introduce our new product – Historical Weather Data by State for all ZIP codes, USA.
This product allows you to download archives of historical weather data for all ZIP codes in the USA. The ZIP codes in the weather data archives are all grouped by state.
It will be useful if you are looking for a large amount of conveniently grouped historical weather data. This form of grouped data is most often used for research, data analysis, predictions and so on.
You can get weather data for all ZIP codes by all US states via our easy-to-use order form in the OpenWeather Marketplace. Data is available for 2018 and 2019 (other years are coming soon).
You will get a file of weather data for each ZIP code in the state that you have chosen, covering the whole of the chosen year.
Weather data archive includes 15+ weather parameters, such as temperature, precipitation, wind and pressure. The data is provided with an hourly step, in CSV format.
Prices vary from one state to another, as each state has a different number of ZIP codes. You can find the price for each state here.
Please read our documentation about Historical Weather Data by ZIP codes to get the full list of parameters, examples and other useful details.
As well as Historical Weather Data by State for all ZIP codes, you can find historical data for any location or coordinates and historical forecast data in the OpenWeather Marketplace.
We are planning to expand this product to other countries.
We will be happy to answer all your questions – please contact us at info@openweathermap.org.