Historical weather data is now available for free in One Call API

Posted on 10 Apr 2020
Today we have added historical weather data to our One Call API. Apart from current and forecasted data, now you can also request historical weather data for 5 previous days. This feature is available in all our plans including Free subscription.
Below is a final list of all types of data that are available in One Call API:
Current weather
Hourly forecast for 48 hours
Daily forecast for 7 days
Historical weather data for 5 days
You can find a detailed guide on how to make an API call, an example of API response and other useful information here.
Within the Free subscription, the limit is equal to 1,000 API calls per day; within Startup subscription, 2000 API calls per day are allowed. In our premium plans (such as Developer, Professional and Enterprise), You can find more information about call limits (and other details about our services) by visiting our Pricing page.
If we can be of assistance, please contact us at info@openweathermap.org and we will be glad to help!