Historical collection | Part 4: History Forecast Bulk

Posted on 25 Jun 2020
OpenWeather has been providing consistent and accurate data on current weather, forecasts and weather history for many years.
Aiming to simplify the process of obtaining data, we created the Historical Weather Data collection – a flexible and unique combination of our products (including APIs).
This article describes one of these products: History Forecast Bulk.
What we offer
History Forecast Bulk is developed based on modern Big Data technology. Its scope includes such areas as analysis of possible risks associated with the weather (including risks to human health and safety), forecasting the distribution of load in the energy sector, and related areas. History Forecast Bulk is also good for finding out about machine learning models for the Internet of Things data analysis. Its use allows you to create forecasting algorithms for systems such as “smart city” and “smart building”.
History Forecast Bulk is an archive of data on previously made 16-day forecasts collected from 7 October 2017 onwards, and available for any coordinates on the globe. Each forecast is a set of values of the main weather parameters for each period of 16 days in increments of 3 hours. Four model recalculation cycles are available for each day. Each time recalculation happens, a new forecast is generated (it updates the values of weather parameters in the forecast). The forecast update times are 00:00 UTC, 06:00 UTC, 12:00 UTC and 18:00 UTC.
For a detailed description of the product structure, see here.
We provide historical forecasts for the main weather parameters: temperature, pressure, wind, clouds, precipitation, humidity and dew point.
Weather parameters in History Forecast Bulk
For each parameter you specify, you will get one or more detailed values related to it.
Atmospheric pressure (on the sea level), hPa
Atmospheric pressure (on the surface), hPa
Wind speed
Wind direction, degrees (meteorological)
Humidity, %
Clouds, %
Dew point Temperature of the dew point.
Depth of snow, cm
Snow water equivalent, mm
Rain, mm
Hours Number of hours for which precipitation values are calculated
Intensity, mm/s
Freezing rain, mm
Ice pellets, mm
For a detailed description of the weather parameters, see here.
How to get History Forecast Bulk
OpenWeather’s Marketplace allows you to get weather data quickly and without having to register. The flexible, convenient interface helps you to customise your order by choosing the required weather parameters, units format and file format (CSV or JSON).
By the way, there are several options to specify the location: you can click on the map, or enter the coordinates or town/city name. For your convenience, we have developed one more option – uploading locations via a CSV file. This might be helpful if you are interested in getting weather data for a large number of locations. You can also contact us directly at info@openweathermap.org to order data for an extensive number of locations. Our experts will process your list of locations and export the requested data for you.
The price is highly competitive – only $45 per location. You can find more about ways to access historical data from our price page.
You can find our easy-to-follow and detailed guide on how to buy History Forecast Bulk here.
How your order will be delivered
After successful payment, you will be able to find your output in two ways:
You will receive an email with a link to download your order.
All purchases can be found in your personal account, in the “Order” section.
Here is an example of a JSON file:
“set of numbers” Time of the forecast recalculation cycle, unix, UTC
dt Date for which the forecast is made, unix, UTC
Please find out more details here.
See also:
Historical collection | Part 1: History API, History Bulk, Statistical API and History Forecast Bulk
Historical collection | Part 2: Historical weather API
Historical collection | Part 3: History Bulk
Please, feel free to contact us with any questions and suggestions at info@opernweathermap.org.