Data from Modis on the VANE platform!

Posted on 06 Mar 2019
The Query Builder team is pleased to present a new source of current data for the VANE platform service – two Modis satellites: Terra and Aqua.
Now the Query Builder allows you to view satellite images from each of the Aqua and Terra satellites separately, and also from their “Modis” composite. To get the image from the “Modis” composite, the VANE platform joins together scenes from both Aqua and Terra and processes them in next to no time.
With Query Builder you get two types of products:
- NDVI tiles with high resolution for the detailed zoom 9. This product will be used to obtain NDVI historical data. We are planning to launch it shortly. Historical satellite data for agricultural territories (the United States, South America and Russia) is already loaded for the whole of 2018. We are also planning to download historical data for earlier periods.
- Tiles for maps, which include bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7, allow zoom from 0 to 7. You can get a satellite imagery map for a base layer for your applications (for your weather maps and many others). This map is updated every day, and covers the entire globe. Satellite imagery data is available from 22 January 2019.
You can use Over Zoom in Query Builder, but the data quality will be degraded with zoom 7 and above.
We look forward to getting your questions and comments – please contact us at